Fun module

Written by xRappy

Wed Jul 01 2020

Fun is a module for small, playful commands.

Command and syntax Description Usage
/8ball [text] Stimulates an 8ball and gives an answer /8ball will I pass this test?
/bird Gives a random image of a bird /bird
/cage Cage command returns a random picture of Nicholas Cage. /cage
/cat Gives a random image of a cat /cat
/compliment Miki will compliment you /compliment
/dog Gives a random picture of a dog. /dog
/gif <tags> Searches for a gif on Imgur /gif slap
/greentext Gives a random greentext image /greentext
/img <tags> Searches for an image on Imgur /img Florestina
/lunch Woof! Woof! What's for lunch? /lunch
/pick <choice 1>, <choice 2>, [choice 3], ... Miki picks one of the choices randomly /pick IA, Gumi, Miki
/pun Gives a random pun /pun
/reddit <subreddit> [list] Shows reddit posts per subreddit /reddit dankmemes
/reminder <action> in <time> Reminds you to do something in a certain amount of time. /reminder Do homework in 2 hours and 30 seconds
/reminder list Displays all your reminders and their codes /reminder list
/reminder clear <reminder code> Removes a reminder based on code. /reminder clear 993
/roll Returns a random number between 1 and 100) /roll
/roll [number] Returns a random number between 1 and that number /roll 60
/roll r[number]d[sides] Rolls number of dice of x number of sides /roll r2d3
/roll [spicy stuff] Do math roll r2d3+2 (returns 2 3-sided dice + 2 added to the final sum)
/ship <user/mention> Ship yourself and show your compatibility rate with another user. /ship, /ship @Veld, /ship 102405515060994048

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